Entrance Control Systems
What Is A Guard Tour System
A guard tour system is a system used to help companies and organizations to organize, log and execute guard tours and patrols in their assets ensuring that the officers will accomplish their tasks within the predefined time intervals. There is a wide variety of guard tour systems, which can be divided in two major categories: Wand guard tour systems based on handheld devices and cloud guard tour systems based on modern mobile and cloud technology.
Guard tour systems provide a means to check and record the time that a guard executes his guard tour by scanning specific checkpoints assigned on the area he patrols. Checkpoints are placed in certain points either on buildings or on other locations of a site or remote area and help the managing staff to identify each different location and each portion of a specific territory. The on-site officers can scan checkpoints, send SOS alerts, track and record events and conduct and send reports to the managing staff or the clients, even in real-time.
Which Industries Need A Guard Tour System
The implementation of a guard tour system will help companies to monitor their officers accurately in time and manage their assets more effectively, upgrading their security services. So, many different industries can take advantage of the use of a guard tour system:
- Security companies, to monitor officers / Lone Workers, manage guard tours and conduct reports.
- Educational Institutes, to increase the safety of their students
- Real Estate organizations, to manage their buildings and protect them from damage
- Public transportation services, to direct activities and manage daily incidents
- Finance Institutes, to be safe from external threats
- Warehouse departments, to assure the security status of their merchandise
- Manufacturing facilities, to protect from damages and record incidents in every aspect of manufacture process
- Cleaning and maintenance services, to manage their installations and workers
Why Use A Guard Tour System
Simplicity: Simplicity is the core of any daily work and guard tour software eliminates paper load and reduces worktime, letting companies and officers focus on more significant aspects of their work.
Accountability: It is impossible to keep thorough recordings of any work process without using computer based system which automates procedures and eliminates paperwork. Even if there are strict guidelines in the delivery and conduct of reports and other necessary documents, there is no a reliable way to track and manage the whole procedure without losing information or valuable time. Certain doubts could arise in any stage of the patrolling process, such as:
- Which was the exact time a guard executed the guard tour?
- How many checkpoints were missed and for which reason?
- Are there any missed inspections that are not mentioned on the paper reports?
- Which are the exact time intervals a security officer accomplished the checkpoints scans?
- Are the reports delivered in the predefined time?
- How will a scheduled guard tour will be supervised without reliability issues arise?
- How easy would it be to search for guard tours and patrols executed six months ago?
- What if there is a device (e.g. hard drives, USB sticks) damage or archive loss?
All of the above provoke trouble. It is obvious that there cannot be a trace of accountability. Even if there is some, the data acquired is totally non- reliable, and you need so much time to index, record, log and search for documents and reports.
Automation: Using a modern guard tour system (especially a cloud based one), officers daily life is much easier. They only use a mobile application and via their smartphone and some simple touches on the screen, they can scan checkpoints, send immediate alerts and SOS messages, send images and sound recordings and add their signatures to their real-time reports. On the other hand, the monitoring center will no longer wait for their paper reports and will get real-time notifications for their position and activities. Additionally, reports can be configured to be sent in real-time to clients and site owners, upgrading company's status towards others and adding more reliability to their job. In other words, less worktime, much more automation and efficiency.
Keep History Log: A guard tour monitoring system holds historical data for any executed guard tour. All information regarding a specific patrol is recorded and reported at time of the location inspection. Real time precise data provide no-doubt information about any aspect of a guard tour regarding incidents and guards' activities.
Reliability: A guard tour system delivers a simple note to your guards: You care about how patrols are being carried out. This can lead to considerably better performance, improved professionalism and remarkable attitude and from their part. The installation and configuration of a guard tour system will normally confirm that some officers are under performing their guard tours and will help distinguish the reliable guards that will support the effort to improve safety status and upgrade security services provided.
A guard tour system will overcome this problem as it is designed to record officers' activities and verify that they cover all portions of their guard tours.
Data Analysis
Your Data Is Important: In case of a unique area to be monitored, data analysis may not be vital for a company's success and sustainability, but what if a large amount of buildings and territories should be managed and properly patrolled?
Gather And Analyze: Guard tour systems offer a way to gather, analyze and edit a large amount of invaluable information about the protected areas and the guard tours executed within them. In most cases, data can be exported and used for further process and analysis, helping companies and organizations to understand the core malfunctions of their daily operations and find ways to cut them down. Acquiring data about guards' activities, scanned or missed checkpoints, time intervals between patrols and territories that are many times in "alert" safety mode, companies can change their patrolling policy and focus on solving specific problems occurring during guard tours or reinforce safety status of certain areas and buildings.
Report And Succeed: The majority of guard tour systems today allow the remote monitoring of data gathered in guard tours or even real-time notifications and data acquisition. The data include reports filtered by client, guard tour, time, location etc. or by a specific date range.
Schedule Properly: Guard tour systems offer a consistent solution integrating technology and allowing people who manage guard tours to form a complete schedule program for their company.
Gps Monitoring: GPS is the first to think when you need to track and ensure position. And it is a vital part of any guard tour in order to not only assures that your officers are on their way but also to protect them and increase the level of their own safety.
The ability to manage remotely your guards and ensure that they are actually patrolling and are protected is the core of any up-to-date guard tour software. And it cannot be an omission in your guard tour monitoring plan. Integrating your guard tours with officers' GPS location means enhanced reliability for you and your customers, increased efficiency and improved safety level.
Real-time Tracking: Internet burst has fortunately changed the way patrols are conducted and dissolves ambiguity, launching guard tour systems based in real time data delivery and acquisition. A Wi-fi or GSM connection allows the instant transmission of incidents report and real-time updates of guards' position, state and activities.
Clients can now see Lone Workers and guards via their mobile wherever they are and in real-time: in their store, outside their company, in their remote landscape. Reports can be conducted, analyzed, edited and shared to everyone immediately. At the end of the day, efficiency is the key and a guard tour system incorporating real-time functionality will help you to hold the key and unlock your own success story.
Budget Control: Every guard tour is verified without any additional cost and any equipment needed to execute it can be replaced by a smartphone. All of the above lead to much more available time to invest in development and services upgrade.
Manage Remotely: Guard tour systems are designed to reduce the above costs or even eliminate them. In simple words, a guard tour system will relieve from excessive transportation costs in order to check executed patrols or missed scans. It will reduce the amount of time spent to all daily repetitive managing tasks and will allow remote management of globally distributed locations. Officers managing the guard tours acquire now data via simple press of buttons on their computers and export reports rapidly and in real-time.
Every guard tour is verified without any additional cost and any equipment needed to execute it can be replaced by a smartphone. All of the above lead to much more available time to invest in development and services upgrade.
Guard tour systems, especially the cloud based ones, solve this problem by offering data interoperability and global management and communication.
Enhance Guards' Protection
Yes, that's true. In case of a danger, the guard should act by himself. He did not have the time to inform the managing staff or maybe the dangerous situation could not allow him to take time to think. A guard tour system offers the unique capability to send an immediate SOS alert by simply pressing a button on his smartphone or rugged device. The staff can inform about the alert and drive other guards to the territory in real-time in order to face the threat. Moreover, officers in the office can send messages to the guard or get a clear view of the danger as the guard can record sound or attach images.
It is generally overlooked that a guard system protects officers and it is usual guards come up with it as the constant control on their daily life. But control means both supervision and prevention. The guard knows that now he is not alone in the territory. There is always someone willing to help him in a danger situation and someone he could address to in case of an occurring incident.
ESSL PT100 is a fingerprint patrol tour device with 1.44-inch LCD. It helps ensure that the "right" employee makes his or her appointed rounds at the correct intervals and can offer a virtually indisputable record for legal or insurance concerns.
This Portable device can be used for Security Guard Patrol, Equipment Maintenance, Delivery Routes, and Cleaning Service routes and Maintenance Routes etc